Most of us have that one handbag we always go back to- the one that holds everything but isn’t clunky or makes you hold up the rest of the line when you check out. For me, I’ve always had a liking for bucket bags; they’re not ridiculously over-sized and they’re big enough to hold a phone, a wallet, glasses, and other essentials. I also like that they can go on a shoulder or simply be worn like a cross-body. Some can even be shortened to be worn like any other handbag. Convenient and classy, they can fit in with any scene: A walk in the park, a lunch date, or just running an errand on a Wednesday afternoon.
Most bucket bags are referred to simply as drawstring purses so it might take a second try in the search bar. Typically, they are made from leather or some kind of soft boho fabric. Go with one that you’re comfortable with and matches your personality. What’s trending now is leather and hard edgy styles but there are still softer prints in colors that always look great. You might just find a new favorite accessory.
Left to right: Gucci Black Leather Bamboo Beads Bucket Bag, BAGGU Drawstring Purse in Natural, Rachel Zoe Kye Drawstring Bucket Bag, DKNY Black Leather Bucket Bag, Kate Spade Valentine Pebbled Leather Shoulder Bag, BAGGU Black Drawstring Purse, Sonia Rykiel Leahter Drawstring Bucket Bag in Black, Tory Burch Robinson Drawstring Bucket Bag.