
Blogger of the Week: LISH Creative

Blogger of the Week: Alisha Johns of LISH Creative Alisha Johns is a master of two things: style and multi-tasking. Alisha, of LISH Creative is a Pittsburgh and Los Angeles based blogger who is focused on showcasing her talents and work in creativity and branding. She not only helps clients come up with successful social media strategy, she also does...

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Blogger of the week: GEMOLOGUE

International Treasure: One Gem's Rise to the Top GEMOLOGUE, the brainchild of London-based and New York City-educated gemologist Liza Urla, is an award-winning, multi-cultural, fashion and jewelry blog. Since its inception in 2009, the blog has become rapidly successful, and has garnered a worldwide following. In April 2015 it won Best Blog in Fashion Category at the UK...

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Taking it to the Streets

Taking it to the Streets

How Two Friends are Taking a Modern Approach to Uniting Pittsburgh Many people think that Pittsburgh is a small town with a metropolis atmosphere but do not see its enriching potential like that of other cities such as NYC, Chicago or Philadelphia.  Although plentiful with culture and opportunity, Pittsburgh is still looked at as just a steel town....

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Star Wars Inspired Art

blank william star wars inspired art stormtroopers

Star Wars Inspired Art: Stormtrooper Helmets & Animals The hype for Star Wars: The Force Awakens was out of this world (pun intended) and the movie undeniably lived up to the hype. It has broken box-office records and will most likely continues to be the number 1 for weeks to come. Though the movie is fantastic, I recently came...

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