Looking through the portfolio of Carl Warner, it’s clear that he is no ordinary still life photographer. While most professional photographers might take a few hours to set up and shoot a product, Warner literally takes days to produce a single image. Looking through his website his “Foodscapes” portfolio stands out as his strongest work.
At first, the photographs look like landscapes with rolling hills, rich vegetation, and quaint cottages. But given a closer look, it’s discovered that the “hills” are actually loafs of bread. The “vegetation” is actually heads of broccoli, and the “cottages” are really frosted wafers. In fact, every element in the image is actually composed of food. Spending days in the studio, Warner photographs each “Foodscape” layer by layer and works with a food stylist to make each item look perfect. The result is an amazing portfolio of stunning, eye-catching images that will leave you lost in the details. To see a complete collection of his “Foodscapes” you can purchase his book, Food Landscapes, online at Amazon.com
-Sarah Holden