
The Benefits of Having a Benefit

Alright ladies and gentlemen, I know you're out their. The ones that don't do the whole "relationship" thing and prefer to keep it single and free. Just a question though, have you ever had the benefit of having a benefit? What I mean is, when the times are tough and the loneliness sets in, have you tried having...

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That's right PGHers, it's that time of the year again! On February 28 and March 1 are two full days of beer paradise. Held at the David L. Lawerence Convention Center, the Beerfest has certainly been a local favorite. From the producers of the Summer Beerfest at Stage AE, this will be the largest beer based festival in...

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Rain, Rain, Go Away

In the city of Pittsburgh, you’d be surprised that we have almost as many rainy days as Seattle in a year. With that being said, don’t you just hate walking out into the rain? Having to cover up your cute outfit, hair, and accessories? Maybe when it rains you don’t even bother going outside, the humidity too risky...

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Holiday Humor

Happy Valentine's Day Maniacs! Whether your'e celebrating "Valentine's Day" or "Single Awareness Day" or boycotting the entire "Hallmark Holiday," I've decided to make this day of love something to laugh about, no matter what your status is.  So for those of you who do have a special someone to send today with, here's some holiday humor: Someecards are...

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Best Friend or Boyfriend?

You know that boy that you’ve known or felt like you’ve know since grade school? The one that was always by your side in any situation and there for practically anything you needed. Sure you guys probably had your ins and outs, your distances and close times, whatever the story, he’s still in your life and is a...

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Jet Set: Warm Fashion

Known for their luxury sport style, Jet Set is in it’s prime season. With the weather chilling us to the bone, the only proper way to keep warm would be wearing any of these novelty items. Established in 1969 in St. Moritz, Switzerland, JS has their fashion and function down to a science. Evolution and back to the...

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Beer Dinners

Beer Dinners

Something is brewing in Pittsburgh, and it’s not another winter storm. In fact, it’s still pretty cold, but much more pleasant and rather tasty. Craft beer has been taking over the city, what seems to be by the can, bottle, and/or draft. Many new small business breweries have been opening here and all around us in Steel City....

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Netflix for Neckties

What? Netflix for Neckties? What does that even mean? Well ladies and gentlemen, it's actually pretty simple. For the small price of $20/month Fresh Neck will ship you free designer neckties/ bow ties/ etc of your choice!  Already this new an aspiring company has been mentioned on Esquire, The Huffington Post, Men's Health, ABC News, and many more....

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