We all know that October is home to some of Pittsburgh’s hottest Halloween parties. A fun combination of sexy and scary comes to life, especially when you are a Maniac. But while girls are dressing up as sexy cats or police officers, while guys are trying their hardest to resemble Brad Pitt circa 1999’s Fight Club, or while Halloween enthusiasts are looking for the perfect Snooki ensemble (guilty!), it’s important that we don’t forget about the killer local shows that are taking place. Music is such a big part of Halloween, and the Pittsburgh music community is certainly going to put on a show for us.
Below is a list of the up coming concerts – both local and national acts – that are hitting the Steel City this month, just in time for the Halloween season.

Oct 19, 2011 – Honey Honey and Joshua James
7PM – Club Café
Oct 21, 2011 – MANIAC Masquerade Party
8PM – Meat & Potatoes
October 22, 2011 – The Rocky Horror Picture Show
9PM – Altar Bar

October 28 & 29, 2011 – Night of the Singing Dead
8PM – Rex Theater
October 29, 2011 – Buzz Poets Halloween Blowout
9PM – Altar Bar
October 29, 2011 – Pittsburgh’s Official Halloween Party
9PM – Barroom, Steel House and Saddle Ridge
October 29, 2011 – 96.1 KISS FM’s Trannies, Grannies and Jason Derulo
7PM – Stage AE
October 29, 2011 – The F.A.M.E Tour with Chris Brown
7PM – Consol Energy Center
Clearly Saturday, October 29 is going to be the night to be out and about in Pittsburgh. A majority of the biggest shows will be that night, proving decision making to be extremely difficult. But, like all great cities, Pittsburgh has a little bit of everything for everyone.
While I will be attending the Joshua James show on October 19, I will definitely find my way to Altar Bar on October 29. Not only are the Buzz Poets one of the biggest and best bands around (and ever, if you ask me), but also I can assure you the concert-goers will be decked out in their best Halloween garb. From Octo-Moms and Situations, to sexy witches and unfortunately a Charlie Sheen or two, this show will have it all.

Also, don’t forget to make your way to Penn Avenue’s hot spot, Meat & Potatoes, on Friday October 21 at 8 p.m. for MANIAC Magazine’s Oct/Nov Issue Launch Party. If you’ve never been to a MANIAC party before, you’re in for a treat (and a trick or two). It’s going to be a Masquerade party! If you’re a MANIAC through and through, you know we won’t disappoint. We are celebrating another fantastic issue featuring our British bombshell cover model, Hannah Ware, with a fun twist: The best masquerade mask wins a prize! If you’re looking for something hip and fun to do on Friday, head over to www.maniacmagazine.com/events to snag your tickets.
The fun awaits! Oh yeah…and the music will be as fresh and fun as our readers!