Maintaining a healthy, happy relationship isn’t always easy, not to mention maintaining an equally satisfying sex life! Have you ever thought of using food to enhance the connectivity with your partner? Many foods are classified as aphrodisiacs. Those are foods that boost or enhance your sex drive/desire. If sex tends to be difficult for you to talk about, or even if it isn’t, using food to explore your partners likes and dislikes (i.e. foods, recipes, erogenous zones, etc.) will open up more room for conversation. You can use different types of food items, techniques, and dishes before, during and after sex. It’s not necessary to use everything discussed here nor use it in the particular order it is discussed. What is important is that you spend time with one another, bring excitement into the relationship and learn more specifics about your partner.
Ask questions! What does your partner like to eat or drink? Do they like sweet or savory things? Wine is also an aphrodisiac, so do they prefer red or white?
Some items that you can include in your choices could be: basil, carrots, pistachio nuts, sea fennel, honey, ginger, almonds, turnips, river snails, chocolate, almonds, figs, oysters, nutmeg, pineapples, vanilla, truffles and avocados to name a few. I’ve included some recipes of things you could make at the end of this article. But also get your partner’s opinion before deciding! Adding pasta/noodles, rice, other vegetables, and so forth do not take away from the feeling the other foods will provide.
I would also suggest that you and your partner shop together for the food. Conversations tend to open up when sharing interests. Most certainly sharing your memories of enjoyable times you’ve had with different types of foods could lead to a favorite vacation spots and/or other amusing stories that could bring you and your partner closer. I would suggest also, however, straying away from discussing negative or past relationship topics to avoid any potential arguments. As important as it is to discuss issues or problems, talking about it while trying to conjure a romantic time wouldn’t be so appropriate.
As you start to cook your meals, make sure you both have equal parts in prepping. The most important thing here is that you both feel like you’re putting in equivalent efforts. This will maintain the ebb and flow of your energy so that you two can be as in tune with one another as possible. This should be a time where you both can feel comfortable being open around each other. And if you should be so open to want to cook in just an apron or other forms of appealing attire, feel free!
Items that you could include while having sex could be chocolate syrup, sliced strawberries, honey, ice and/or even whipped cream. I wouldn’t suggest blueberries or raspberries because they sometimes stain the skin temporarily. If using strawberries, or items that have a liquid-type consistency, it could be useful to momentarily store them in a bowl. That way, you could even pick a mutually satisfying color, shape, or style dish! Having fun, learning, and sharing passions is what it’s all about. One more helpful hint: keeping water and a towel near by might come in handy.
Now as turned on as you may be, completely ready to engulf your partner, try slower techniques when also enjoying food. Really study, understand and memorize your partner’s body. After all, sex is what separates your partner from just being your friend. It feels good making the other person feel good, just as it feels amazing when it’s returned. You most certainly do not need to begin in the nude. Maybe try seductively removing your clothes for your partner or have them seductively remove them for you. The point of all of this is to increase the heat and passion in the relationship; to add some zest! Whatever comes natural; just talk about it.
While breathing heavily, panting, perhaps giggling and holding one another tight – finishing with chocolate covered strawberries or almond coated caramel squares and/or a glass of champagne may add the perfect touch to a wonderful moment. If you choose to feed each other, or choose to devour them on your own, now would be a good time to talk about what happened. You could ask questions about what it was like, make suggestions for next time (or for round two), or mention your thoughts and feelings. Perhaps your partner tends to be shy most often, now would be a time to break out of that habit and speak with an open, honest heart. You just had sex for goodness sake, and you weren’t shy then!
Food is simply a delightful, and perhaps new, way of learning more about your partner, yourself, and the heat that can be created in the relationship. Why not add something different? Just remember to speak with honesty, sincere curiosity, and positivity. It’s a moment of passion! Keep it delectable!