Located in our very own city of Pittsburgh, there are 12 convent locations where you can find it’s number 1 voted laser services. Do you know who it is yet? If not, you should, it’s the Body Beautiful Laser Medi-Spa. They specialize in many kinds of skin treatments, laser procedures, massages, rejuvenation, teeth whitening, pretty much anything you could ever image to make your skin feel better than ever. But, with the way the weather has been going, Maniac is focused on one thing. How do we get our skin depleted of the harsh dryness that winter has impended on us, and get it skin healthy, and ready for the spring sun? One might say to just constantly apply medicated lotions and toners, but there is a new kind of treatment which Body Beautiful supplies that sounds like the new answer. It is called the “Chemical Peel and Microderm.” By getting this treatment done you will also receive a facial during one of the least invasive ways to improve your skin appearance. Now, what this treatment does is it exfoliates the top layer of your skin, making it easier for dead skin to shed and clears out your pores. The treatment can be used on all skin types and will approve the appearance of your skin in just a few weekly treatments. With every visit your skin will develop a new and more healthy glow, getting your skin and your body prompt and ready for the bright sun. You can keep the vibrant treatment up once it is complete by visiting just once a month and continuing to apply Body Beautiful creams and other recommended products.